Toyozumi Makoto and Christopher M. Mayo メイヨークリストファー, proofreader 校閲. “Kore Eigo de nan to iu no?”: Mi no mawari no mono, koto Eigo jiten. 「これ英語で何と言うの?」身の回りのモノ・コト英語小辞典. Ise City: Kōgakkan University Press 皇學館大学出版部, 2022年9月25日.
Professor Toyozumi wrote this dictionary for teachers in K-12 who are teaching English and want to be able to use words and phrases that are familiar to students in their school and social environment. He invited me to do the proofreading for it, and we spent quite a bit of time with each entry, trying to find the best English equivalent and providing Japanese explanations as necessary.