Sunday, March 31, 2024

Transferring from Kogakkan University 皇學館大学 to Nagoya Gakuin University 名古屋学院大学

 Today, I retired from Kogakkan University in Ise, Mie Prefecture. I enjoyed being a faculty member from 2014 to 2024 and greatly appreciate the opportunities for research and teaching, as well as the friendships I shared with the other faculty and staff.  I wrote a short farewell for one of the school publications below:

On Retiring from the University

As of March 31, I will be retiring from Kogakkan University and transitioning to Nagoya Gakuin University. Since joining the Communication Department in the Faculty of Letters in 2014, I have had the privilege of spending countless meaningful hours in the classroom with thousands of students. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to interact not only with students in the Department of Communication but also with students from all faculties. Together, we have enjoyed the standard curriculum courses such as "English Expression" and "Introduction to Kogaku," as well as the specialized courses in our department, including "Foreign Affairs," "Japanese Cultural History," and seminars for juniors and seniors. 

My tenure as a full-time faculty member may have been relatively short. However, when the Department of Communication Studies was established 24 years ago, I trained and brought my high school students to the first English speech contest organized by the department, and since then, I have felt a connection with the university.

Kogakkan is a unique space where faculty, staff, and students study and research Japanese history, culture, and the country's spirit and embody Japanese values in their daily activities. I am proud and grateful to have engaged in education and research in this unique environment.

Although my role as a full-time faculty member is coming to an end, I am genuinely excited to continue my association with the university as a part-time lecturer. I am deeply grateful for the warm support I have received from the faculty and staff, and I eagerly look forward to your continued support in April and beyond.


From tomorrow, I will begin teaching at Nagoya Gakuin University 名古屋学院大学 as a member of the Faculty of Intercultural Studies 国際文化学部.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

"Ise" and Japan Study Program: Tenth Anniversary 「伊勢」と日本スタディプログラムのリユニオン 10周年

In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the "Ise" and Japan Study Program, four participants were invited back to reflect on the program in panel discussions over the course of three days. Please see the video below for a brief introduction to the event.    


The “Ise” and Japan Study Program began in 2014 as a collaborative project between Kogakkan University and Ise City. One of the program’s aims has been to invite researchers worldwide to deepen their understanding of Ise and Japan by attending university lectures and fieldwork. Another aim has been to increase Ise’s visibility by having participants share what they have learned and felt in their native languages via social networking services (SNS) and other online media. Beginning in 2014, with 13 participants, 124 researchers from over 30 countries joined the program.    


 See the video below for extended clips of discussions and comments by panel participants, the mayor of Ise, the president of Kogakkan University, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters at Kogakkan University, and a longtime faculty member who has participated in the program since its inception.


If you want to learn more about the program, please see the following website (mainly in Japanese):

And, if you want to learn more about Shinto, Ise, and Mie Prefecture, I have gathered links to materials that may be of use. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Graduation Papers

Every year in December, fourth-year students in the Communication Department at Kogakkan University must submit a graduation paper or project to graduate. Although the graduation papers are generally not available to be read by the general public, one of my students in 2020 submitted an especially well-researched thesis that was later published in the Kogakkan Ronsō 皇學館論叢 journal as 「戦時下における遊びと食事 : 太平洋戦争中の人々の暮らし」(Play and Food in Wartime : People's Lives during the Pacific War), so it is available to view online (in Japanese).

It seems to me that the requirement to write a graduation paper independent of any specific class can be a really valuable experience because it provides an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to a field of study after a long research and writing process. In my final seminar at Kogakkan, students submitted papers with the following titles:

  1. 英語音声指導の現状と改善策 ―中学校におけるやり取りを中心に―
  2. 日本におけるオートバイロードレースの現状と課題 ―魅力発信の比較研究―
  3. 文明の衝突論の再検討 ―ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻を中心に ―
  4. 自転車ヘルメット着用における努力義務化の効果に関する一考察―安全意識向上を中心に―
  5. 観光地情報提供のデジタル化 ―伊勢志摩とクアラルンプールの案内を中心に―
  6. 伊勢湾のサワラブランドにおける高付加価値化 ―「答志島トロさわら」「波乗り鰆」の事例分析―
  7. 文化資源の商品化の一考察―「神宮杉」を中心に ―
  8. 先進国首脳会議と開催地の観光資源 ―2016年のG7伊勢志摩サミットと2023年のG7広島サミットの比較研究―
  9. ダークツーリズムの魅力に関する研究 ―チェルノブイリ原発事故とタイタニック号沈没事故を中心に―
  10. サッカー観戦から見る国内外のイメージと現実の考察
  11. 日本語教育におけるアスペクトの説明 ―日中の日本語教科書を中心に―

The titles cover topics that generally focus on culture or language education--ranging from a re-examination of Samuel Huntington's "clash of civilizations" theory with a focus on Russia's invasion of Ukraine (no. 3) to the digitization of information displayed or distributed at tourist attractions in Kuala Lumpur and Ise-Shima (no. 5) 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

My Last Seminar at Kogakkan

Today, I finished my last seminar at Kogakkan University. I have enjoyed teaching this seminar for nearly a decade in a supportive and stimulating educational atmosphere with many outstanding students, so it was difficult to say goodbye to the class.

I will leave my position at Kogakkan at the end of March and begin a new position in the Intercultural Studies Department 国際文化学部 at Nagoya Gakuin University (NGU) 名古屋学院大学 from April. I am planning to teach a seminar there as well, but I will spend some time this year adapting the content to the new environment. 


Second-year students in the Communication Department at Kogakkan had to choose the seminar they wanted to join as third-year students, and the explanation below is what I used to introduce it to them.

ゼミのタイトル Seminar Title: 「日本の過去と現代」ゼミ Japan’s Past and Present Seminar

 ゼミ紹介 Seminar Introduction 

【キーワード】 ディスカッション Discussion 、プレゼンテーション Presentation 、比較文化史 Comparative Cultural History 、日英・英日翻訳 English<->Japanese Translation


Third-year students deepen their understanding of Japanese culture through discussions and presentations. We read classical literature such as Japan’s three most representative works from the "random jottngs" or "heterogenous narrative" (zuihitsu) genre--The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon, Hojoki by Kamo no Chōmei, and Tsurezuregusa by Kenkō Hōshi--to identify elements that are still relevant in today’s society. At the same time, we communicate Japanese history and culture to the world by creating English-language tourist information signs and maps, explanatory panels for museum exhibits, and videos to be posted on the Internet. In the fourth year, students acquire knowledge in the topics they want to focus on, read the necessary sources, and improve their writing as they work to complete their graduation theses. In this seminar, students cultivate English language skills required for teaching, general business, and public service. 

 Seminar Characteristics ゼミの特色・他のゼミとの違い


The theme of the course is Japanese history and culture, and the format of the class is mainly presentations and discussions in English. Even if you are unfamiliar with Japanese history and English is not your strong suit, you are welcome to take this course. However, students are expected to participate actively in class. Each student chooses their research topic for their graduation thesis. The seminar is designed to foster logical thinking skills for each topic, learn how to collect and organize information, and develop reading skills. The ultimate goal of this seminar is to improve each student's writing ability to complete the graduation thesis. English graduation theses are also welcome.

 担当専門科目 Classes Taught in the Department 

「日本文化史Ⅰ・Ⅱ」、「英語音声学Ⅰ・Ⅱ」、「Global Japan」、「Tourism English」、「Japanese Culture and History」、「Shinto English」という学科専門科目を担当している。ビジネス・プロフェッショナル、外国人の接客、英語教員として求められる基礎知識とスキルを養成する科目であり、他の担当科目と連動して構成されている。外国人とより良いコミュニケーションを取るのに役に立つので、中・高(英語)免許取得希望の学生もこの授業を選択することが望ましい。Japanese Cultural History I & II, English Phonetics I & II, Global Japan, Tourism English, Japanese Culture and History, and Shinto English. These courses are designed to cultivate the essention knowledge and skills needed by business professionals, people working with non-Japanese customers, and English teachers. The courses are designed to connect with others I teach at Kogakkan. Students who wish to obtain a junior or senior high school (English) license should also select this class, as it is helpful for better communication with non-Japanese speakers of English. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Spring Semester: Comparative Cultural History Workshop for Europe and Japan 日欧比較文化史部会

 Today was our last meeting of the "Comparative Cultural History Workshop for Europe and Japan" 日欧比較文化史部会. In the workshop, we read, translate, and discuss English and Japanese research about Japanese history. If you are interested in joining us next semester, please talk to me or Professor Okano Tomohiko 岡野友彦 (History Department 国史学科).

Saturday, June 10, 2023

A Documentary on the Chronicles of Japan 日本書紀

 The university students's television studio at Kōgakkan University have completed an English version of a documentary on the Chronicles of Japan 日本書紀

I provided a brief introduction to it at the beginning. However, the rest of the English narration in the video was provided by one of Ms. Kunimoto, who was responsible for the project from the initial planning stages to the final editing. 

Below is a transcription of my introduction to the video:

"Hello, and welcome to this video documentary. My name is Christopher Mayo, and I am a faculty member at Kogakkan University 皇學館大学. Our university is located in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. It is one of only two universities in Japan where students can become certified as Shinto priests. One of the most sacred sites in the Shinto tradition, the Ise Jingu shrine complex 伊勢神宮, is located nearby. The documentary you are about to watch was produced by the Kogakkan University Student Television Station, which is run by students who create the material from start to finish, including the planning, filming, and editing of videos. This documentary is focused on an ancient text called the Nihon Shoki, or Chronicles of Japan. The Nihon shoki 日本書紀, or Nihongi, was compiled and written down in the eighth century based on earlier written records and oral traditions. As the first of the so-called Six State Histories 六国史, or Rikkokushi, it took the form of an official history. The first two volumes contained material dealing with the divine origins of Japan. The remainder followed the activities of Japan’s sovereigns up until the end of Empress Jitō’s reign in 697. W.G. Aston first translated it into English in 1896. As this video explains, the Nihon shoki remains a key source for anyone interested in learning more about Japanese beliefs, customs, history, and ideas. We hope you enjoy the video."


Monday, December 19, 2022

“Images of Ise in Essays in Idleness at the Intersection of Literature and History”『徒然草』における伊勢像 ~文学と歴史の接点~

I recently gave a talk in Japanese about Kenkō’s Essays in Idleness at Isuzujuku 五十鈴塾, a beautifully maintained set of traditional-style buildings in Ise that hosts educational and cultural events. The title was “Images of Ise in Essays in Idleness at the Intersection of Literature and History”『徒然草』における伊勢像 ~文学と歴史の接点~

Although most people in Japan are familiar with the text, researchers generally focus on literary and cultural themes rather than the connections made between the words on the pages and physical places. In my talk, I examined images of Ise that appeared in this 14th-century medieval text authored by an individual known to us by the name of Kenkō. What I tried to do is to read Japanese history through the text, especially passages related to Ise such as the 24th and 50th essays in it.  I hope that the participants found it as enjoyable as I did to explore history, culture, and ideas in this text.

This is a brief description in Japanese that I used for the talk:「兼好法師が十四世紀に著した『徒然草』を題材にして、そこに描かれた伊勢像を考えてみます。第二十四段の「斎王の野宮におはしますありさまこそ」や第五十段の「伊勢国より、女の鬼に成りたるを」などの文学を通して日本文化史を読んでみませんか。このお馴染みの古典文学を「伊勢」という視点から見直してみたい方は、ぜひご参加ください。」

If you ever have an opportunity to visit Ise or Ise Shrine 伊勢神宮, please stop by and join a class or take a look at the Isuzujuku buildings.